Too young to choose but old enough to be a mom
Today I read about a 13-year old
Who will benefit most from a law allowing people to be shot on the street in self-defence? A black man is by default a criminal in a court of law. Terri Schia
Just a Geek making some noise
Today I read about a 13-year old
Who will benefit most from a law allowing people to be shot on the street in self-defence? A black man is by default a criminal in a court of law. Terri Schia
Think girls… what is the last thing you did to try to get a guy’s attention? Did you raise your
Admit it! You do it, I do it, Sally does it, we all do it! E
They encourage stereotypes. You know, the bad kind… the kind where men think we’re weak, useless, slow, shallow, dumb; you name it, we encourage it! E
Part of the reason we are still being treated as the inferior sex is because we are taught to beha
The next time you sidle up to a guy and whine for him to carry your purse, THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO YOURSELF. You are telling him that you are weak, stupid, and incompetent, and he in turn will think that you are weak, stupid, and incompetent. See how this works?
The only way to ha
Show we are equals by being an equal. Respect does not come on a satin-co
Today I
The go
More must be done to combat this problem and we look to the go
This is an except from an essay I wrote. It summarizes my thoughts on
Most Canadians ha
At the same time that Rick Mercer in
If Kyoto is a dismal failure, it has already succeed in sparking inno
The cost of reducing GHG and in particular Carbon Dioxide is extremely high gi
Global Warming is an issue that will ha
Whether or not CO2 causes warming is a non issue. We are releasing unprecedented amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and that alone should be cause for en
You, yes you. Chances are if you are reading this blog you are in this age group. Probability also dictates that you didn’t
These people know something, and they are right. People our age are too apathetic to
If we want our politicians to start caring about us, the solution is simple. Go out and
Do what you ha